Δεν πρέπει να υπάρχει πιο διεστραμμένη ράτσα από αυτή των Εβραίων, σ'ολόκληρη την ανθρωπότητα.
Η διαστροφή τους, ξεπερνά και την πιο νοσηρή φαντασία... Τόσο νοσηρή, που την περιλαμβάνουν και στο... Ιερό τους Βιβλίο... το ΤΑΛΜΟΥΔ.
Είναι γονιδιακά άρρωστος αυτός ο λαός... γι αυτό και δεν είναι τυχαία όσαν έχουν κάνει στη γη...
Σε φτάνουν στο σημείο να αναρωτιέσαι "ΓΙΑΤΙ Ο ΘΕΟΣ ΔΕΝ ΤΟΥΣ ΕΞΑΦΑΝΙΖΕΙ ΑΠΟ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΟΥ ΓΗΣ"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Για τους Εβραίους, ένα κοριτσάκι τριών ετών και μιας μέρας, και ένα αγόρι εννέα ετών, μπορούν να είναι ικανά προς... συνουσία..!
Τα όσα μέσω του διαδικτύου, βλέπουν τα τελευταία χρόνια το φως της δημοσιότητας για την εγκληματική παρανοϊκή αυτή ράτσα, δεν αποτελούν πλέον μόνο γνώση της κοινωνίας, αλλά ερμηνεύουν στο μέγιστο βαθμό και αιτιολογούν, γιατί υφίσταται όλα αυτά τα συγκλονιστικά γεγονότα η παγκόσμια κοινότητα των ανθρώπων.
Μα επειδή κυβερνούν Εβραίοι.
Ευχή βαθιά, να επιβεβαιωθούν οι Προφητείες του Χριστιανισμού και αυτή η βρώμικη φάρα, να εξαφανιστεί δια παντός από την γη... μέχρι και το τελευταίο της γονίδιο και μαζί τους να εξαφανιστούν και όσοι υποτάχθηκαν σ'αυτούς (Μασσόνοι, ILLUMINATI, Στοές, ψυχασθενείς πολιτικές - οικονομικές - επχειρηματικές - θρησκευτικές εξουσίες κλπ), πλην των Ορθοδόξων Χριστιανών, που παρέμειναν πιστοί στην Διδασκαλία του Ιησού.
Πόπη Σουφλή
"Three Year Old Brides
When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan’s spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of. Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism’s very greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned pedophilia—permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than three! He proclaimed, “A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.”
1 Subsequent rabbis refer to ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia as "halakah," or binding Jewish law.
2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been disowned by modern Jews? Hardly.
To day, in ben Yohai’s hometown of Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in his memory.Read full article here
References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud’s definitive legal work, Treatise Sanhedrin....
Sex at Three Years and One Day
In contrast to Simeon ben Yohai's dictum that sex with a little girl is permitted under the age of three years, the general teaching of the Talmud is that the rabbi must wait until a day after her third birthday. She could be taken in marriage simply by the act of rape.
R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. (Sanh. 55b)
A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)
A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabited with her she becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)
It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest, for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phineas (who was priest, the footnote says) surely was with them. (Yeb. 60b)
[The Talmud says such three year and a day old girls are] . . . fit for cohabitation. . . But all women children, that have not known man by lying with him, it must be concluded that Scripture speaks of one who is fit for cohabitation. (Footnote to Yeb. 60b)
The example of Phineas, a priest, himself marrying an underage virgin of three years is considered by the Talmud as proof that such infants are "fit for cohabitation."
The Talmud teaches that an adult woman’s molestation of a nine year old boy is "not a sexual act" and cannot "throw guilt" upon her because the little boy is not truly a "man.” 9 But they use opposite logic to sanction rape of little girls aged three years and one day: Such infants they count as “women," sexually mature and fully responsible to comply with the requirements of marriage.
The Talmud footnotes 3 and 4 to Sanhedrin 55a clearly tell us when the rabbis considered a boy and girl sexually mature and thus ready for marriage. "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness… The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three..."